php license in a sentence
- The standard PHP interpreter, powered by the Zend Engine, is free software released under the PHP License.
- Debian maintainers have had a long-standing discussion ( since at least 2005 ) about the validity of the PHP license.
- Version 3 of PHP used a dual license PHP 3's source is available under either the PHP License or the GNU General Public License ( GPL ).
- HHVM is developed by Facebook, with the project's source code hosted on GitHub; it is licensed under the terms of the PHP License and Zend License.
- This restriction on use of " PHP " makes the PHP License incompatible with the General Public License ( GPL ), while the Zend License is incompatible due to an advertising clause similar to that of the original BSD license.
- PHP is free software released under the terms of PHP License, which is incompatible with the GNU General Public License ( GPL ) due to the restrictions PHP License places on the usage of the term " PHP ".
- PHP is free software released under the terms of PHP License, which is incompatible with the GNU General Public License ( GPL ) due to the restrictions PHP License places on the usage of the term " PHP ".
- By using HPHPc as a source-to-source compiler, PHP code is translated into C + +, compiled into a C and PHP source codes, and it is free and open-source software distributed under the PHP License.
- The source code for the Zend Engine has been freely available under the Zend Engine License ( although some parts are under the PHP License ) since 2001, as part of the official releases from php . net, as well as the official git repository or the GitHub mirror.
- The Zend Engine, the core of the PHP interpreter, is separately licensed under the similar Zend Engine License, which contains similar naming restrictions to the PHP license ( applying to the names " Zend " and " Zend Engine " ), and a clause requiring advertising materials to mention its use.
- It's difficult to see php license in a sentence .
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